藤原 辰也 (フジワラ タツヤ)
Mountain Hamlet inc. 代表/プロデューサー

その傍らライフワークでDEBLI Projectの立ち上げに参加。クリエイティブディレクターとして活動。
2009年THE ROUND TABLE INC.設立。プロデューサーとして活動。
11月には自身初の直営飲食店NUMBER Aをオープン。
2015年 Mountain Hamlet inc.を設立。

Mountain Hamlet INC. (President/ Producer)

In 2001-2004 Fujiwara worked at heads Ltd. and experienced store produce and learned the essence of it.
In 2005 he joined Transit general office INC. First he took in charge of the sales of Catering and Event division. After few years he worked as the supervisor of the Fashion Lab division.
At the same time he joined the start up of DEBLI PROJECT as a creative director.
In 2009 THE ROUND TABLE INC. was established. Worked as a producer.
At the same year on November he opened his first Direct Management restaurant NUMBER A.
He also does cooperate branding, catering and creative direction of several fashion brands and shops.
In 2015 MOUNTAIN HAMLET INC. was established.